Thursday, August 9, 2007


Any miscellaneous comments / questions /suggestions / ass kissings / etc. can and should be left here...

- Dave


Josh said...

don't you just love big league chew?

i do.

Anonymous said...

I like tacky graphics.

Disposable Info said...

I do love big league chew, although it seems much less popular and available these days. I wonder if that's a response to anti-tobacco campaigns...

I'm assuming, then, that you like my tacky graphics, Zane. I enjoy tacky graphics, too. I'm going to unleash a flood of them in the coming months... A tacky flood...

Now let's talk about stickers. Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, I can't remember if I asked you or not, but would you be interested in writing a music economics post for Lloyd Zeffler?

Disposable Info said...

Yeah - you did, and I've often tried to think of interesting subjects, and so far have come up with nothing...

Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

This might not produce any spark whatsoever, but I was wondering what the value of one song should be? Also, what is the value of a song in a concert and how should the number of songs performed contribute to the ticket price?

Disposable Info said...

Those are pretty interesting concepts, I'd say, and It's funny you mention 'em, because when I first started doing that Beatles post I did a long time ago, I was thinking a lot about the cost of inputs (recording/writing) compared to the value of the output (the song) and figured that if people stop buying CDs that we'd actually get a major change in music...

Which is dependent - in theory - on the value of individual songs.

But I couldn't get enough (valid) data...

How about this: Since data is the only thing keeping us from applying econometric techniques and learning cool crap, if you can find me a list of at least a few hundred concerts (or albums, etc) and corresponding data (like # of songs played & total ticket revenue)- in LIST form - then I bet we could find some interesting correlations...

Unfortunately it's not only hard to find this data, it's hard to make it workable and avoid a lot of other restrictions.

But if you can find the data - I will totally come up with some reasonably interesting stuff. Beyond that, though, it's all too anecdotal or too opinionated, I think...

But we'll see. You know where to find me - and I you - if either of us stumbles upon a good idea that doesn't require tons of data (or even one that does require it provided we can find its corresponding data.)

Anonymous said...

I know a fellow writer at antiMusic that is really into Billboard charts and the business of music. Maybe he has some insight. He is a Bon Jovi fan though, so who knows?