Friday, November 30, 2007

Even Darker

That's right, darker.

Come Monday - or Tuesday, depending - I'm going to be making a cross country trip with myself - an interesting companion to have along on road trips - and a video camera.

I'm not sure I would care about these things if I weren't me, but just in case, I'll fill everyone in on the details:

I'm moving to D.C. Hopefully I'll be able to land a place to live within a few days of arriving and then a job.

What the hell for, you ask? Well, I've got the antsy-pants for adventure, and adventure is in short supply in Tucson. Also, I've been unemployed and living on the cheap for far too long. It's time to get a real job in "the big city" and spend all my money on penis enlar... er... on fancy food, drinks, clothes and other things that make me look like a big man. That's what we're supposed to do, right? Get a job, then buy a bunch of crap that makes you look like you're living a good life? That's what I thought.

Maybe I'll get married and buy a house while I'm at it. Then I'll fund a 401(k), develop an interest in [Miscellaneous Boring Sport], make some friends I'll refer to as "the guys," join a league of some sort, then become obsessed with strange internet pornography as my wife continues her downward slide into extreme obesity caused by postpartum depression after the twins are born. And, of course, I'll keep posting on the 4ECon.

Wow. That sounds great. And it all starts Monday! (or Tuesday, depending...)

(This post's link: Vote for Mister Splashy Pants)

So, loyal 4ECon readin' types, the light of your life (this blog) will be dark for just a bit longer. I'd post something good, but, as I mentioned in the comments on the last post, I'm way too busy cruising the D.C. Craigslist for single women under 300 lbs.

When I finally do officially rejoin the blorld - that's blog world, for you illiterates - be prepared for brain explosion, as I'll have more exciting pictures of parking lots from Google Earth than you can possibly handle. In fact, here's a sample:

I can just imagine how you're all reacting right now: "Holy crap! Pictures of parking lots! And colored circles, too? That sounds effin' awesome!"

Yes indeed. Effin' awesome.

I'll see you all in a brighter place,
- Dave


Unknown said...

Too much darker - and Foreecon will be goth! See you out here in these them there parts...

Chris Jeffords said...

Enjoy the move and good luck. I hope that there is enough room for your blog in D.C.

Disposable Info said...

You mean room in my life for updating my blog, or room for my massively awesome ideas in such a narrow-minded city?


Thank you guys - I'm excited as hell, if you couldn't tell already...

Brian said...

Mr. Foree-

That obscure sport you're referencing is wiffleball. I've already got a spot for you on the roster.

Manager, Rossi Posse